Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. My name is Sandy…and I write it on everything!

2. I have the same name as my best friend’s dog (well, I did L)

3. I am a legal assistant and have been since high school. I am a history major and I cannot wait to get to law school! Although most of my friends say “Don’t do it!”

4. I have a perverted sense of humor and I think it’s funny to make people uncomfortable with it...

5. I’ve been in a bajillion wrecks none of which were my fault…99.9% of those were with Ashley

6. I’ve always wanted to get married in Vegas.... don't know who or when but I know where!

7. I can't cook... as a matter of fact I can't even work the oven....but I don't care!

8. If I could get paid in shoes or jeans I would...who needs food!

9. My organizational skills are simple – scan it and throw it away.

10. Someone once said I was bad at algebra, I think they're an @ss

11. Jell-O creeps me out…!!!

12. I love cupcakes (white w/ a little bit of vanilla icing). I could eat one everyday!

13. I have a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days (about 2.75 years), which I started June 1, 2008.

14. My favorite ice cream is a Sandy Sundae, which I made up in junior high. Only a select few have the recipe.

15. I absolutely love my birthday…ask me how I feel when I turn 30 ;-)

16. I’m typically always arrive late. I can’t help it. I try really hard to get there on time, but it never works out for me.

17. I clip coupons and then I throw them away.

18. I’d like to live in New York City one day…even if it’s for a short period of time.

19. I have two dogs…Gixxer and Ace.

20. I love to write with Sharpies. I probably own every color.

21. I don’t know what I’d do without my CrackBerry.

22. I love green olives on my pizza! Yummm!

23. I have a lot of “rules”…if you know me then you know what I’m talking about.

24. It took me a week to complete this list.

24. Seriously!