Thursday, November 12, 2009

Twilight...New Moon...Eclipse...Breaking Dawn...

I'm not going to lie...I was skeptical about the Twilight series. I thought "How could vampires be so intriguing?!" So, what do I do? I buy Twilight. I read Twilight. I watch Twilight. I love Twilight.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eldine Henry-Hartzmann

My grandma, Eldine, was born August 5, 1924, and past away on November 5, 2009, at 85 years of age. She had 7 children, 18 grandchildren, and 19 grandchildren. I will miss her Christmas fudge, the smell of juicy fruit gum will remind me of her, and her love of the Atlanta Braves and Arkansas never got an answer if you called during a game.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wedding Updates

Check out these websites for wedding information, pictures, and much more!

Movin' On Up!

It's official, I'm a that a word?! I'm going to miss my beloved Fayetteville...even though it's only 20 minutes away! I love being 5 minutes from the U of A, Dickson Street, Wilson Park, NWA Mall, Bizy's, Razorback Theater, and much more!!! However, I obviously would trade it all for Elvis!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Elvis and I had our first vacation as a couple in Las Vegas on June 1, 2009! How fitting!! We both had been there before, but this was by far the best. We got to our hotel, Excalibur, opened the door to the room and my jaw dropped...and not in a good way! The room was circa 1994. I, of course, complained and wanted to switch hotels. However, Elvis talked me out of it. I simply called the front desk and we were given an upgrade. When we walked into our second room, it officially felt like we were on vacation. The pool was awesome! Apparently they have 4 pools, but we only made it to one.

One day, we went to Hoover Dam. I have to say that you seriously cannot appreciate the size until you see it in person.

The funniest moment was at dinner when these two guys decided that it would be fitting to talk about how they give so many girls the big "O"!!! Yeah, right!!!

We did the typical walk down the strip with drinks in hand. My favorite night was when we went out to Coyote Ugly and Studio 54. The girls at Coyote Ugly had me get on the bar...that was a little scary without any of my girls with me. Studio 54 was a blast. We were put on the VIP list, which meant no lines for us! We went in, got a drink...well, got more than a drink...and started dancing.

I definitely cannot wait to spend more vacations with Elvis! He is the easiest person to travel with.

BTW-We'll be seeing Vegas again in May 2010...BE READY!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Elvis!

We spent this past weekend celebrating Elvis’ 29th birthday with his friends and family at his cabin!

His mom brought chicken enchiladas and a cake decorated with “Miller High Life” to the cabin on Saturday.

It rained Saturday evening, so Sunday made for a great riding day! We all went out and got muddy!

Finally, Elvis ended his birthday weekend by treating himself to a 2009 GMC Sierra!


Me and Elvis

Mark and Elvis

Some of the guys!

Yellow cake w/ chocolate pudding in the middle! Yummm!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Blogging Splogging!

Let's just say that I seriously cannot get the hang of this blogging thing. It takes a lot of time and patience that I just don't seem to have.

I tried to edit my 101 Things To Do in 1001 Days and I messed it up so bad that I had to delete it. I had a lot of things that I had completed. Boo!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. My name is Sandy…and I write it on everything!

2. I have the same name as my best friend’s dog (well, I did L)

3. I am a legal assistant and have been since high school. I am a history major and I cannot wait to get to law school! Although most of my friends say “Don’t do it!”

4. I have a perverted sense of humor and I think it’s funny to make people uncomfortable with it...

5. I’ve been in a bajillion wrecks none of which were my fault…99.9% of those were with Ashley

6. I’ve always wanted to get married in Vegas.... don't know who or when but I know where!

7. I can't cook... as a matter of fact I can't even work the oven....but I don't care!

8. If I could get paid in shoes or jeans I would...who needs food!

9. My organizational skills are simple – scan it and throw it away.

10. Someone once said I was bad at algebra, I think they're an @ss

11. Jell-O creeps me out…!!!

12. I love cupcakes (white w/ a little bit of vanilla icing). I could eat one everyday!

13. I have a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days (about 2.75 years), which I started June 1, 2008.

14. My favorite ice cream is a Sandy Sundae, which I made up in junior high. Only a select few have the recipe.

15. I absolutely love my birthday…ask me how I feel when I turn 30 ;-)

16. I’m typically always arrive late. I can’t help it. I try really hard to get there on time, but it never works out for me.

17. I clip coupons and then I throw them away.

18. I’d like to live in New York City one day…even if it’s for a short period of time.

19. I have two dogs…Gixxer and Ace.

20. I love to write with Sharpies. I probably own every color.

21. I don’t know what I’d do without my CrackBerry.

22. I love green olives on my pizza! Yummm!

23. I have a lot of “rules”…if you know me then you know what I’m talking about.

24. It took me a week to complete this list.

24. Seriously!